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Pennsylvania Mineral Group LLC, of Port Lavaca, Texas., is trying to acquire rights in at least six counties, including Wyoming, Susquehanna and Lycoming, group procurement manager Don Pruett said.

In the past two weeks, Wyoming County residents have received solicitation letters from the company that asks a property owner to fill out a hydrocarbon conveyance and to a provide a social security number.

The letter states that a company check with the amount offered for the oil or gas rights would be mailed within 30 days of receipt and confirmation of a signed hydrocarbon conveyance.

"We're hitting numerous counties, Pruett said. "The idea here is that we would get enough wells drilled, get profit."

He would not name the members of the group, but according to the Pennsylvania Department of State on Feb. 27, A. George Mason, Jr., of Lexington, Ky., registered the group.

Mason, an attorney, is on the executive committee of The Energy & Mineral Law Foundation in 2006-07.

Pennsylvania Mineral Group LLC wants to purchase indefinite rights to profits made during drilling. It does not plan to drill.

Pruett said that the group thinks that drilling for oil or gas would likely happen in Wyoming County at some point based on geologists' reports and the fact that oil and natural gas leasing groups are active in the region.

Wyoming County recorder of deeds Dennis Montross said that around four groups are researching property titles for oil and gas interests. Since October, 140 oil and gas leases have been recorded, he added.

Montross noted that once a property owner sells oil or gas rights, all royalties would go to the group.

According to the state Department of Environmental Protection, no one has drilled wells for oil in Wyoming County.

However, DEP spokesman Tom Rathbun said that natural gas drilling has become more common in Northeastern Pennsylvania in the last couple years, because of technological advances and because of the region's proximity to major population centers on the east coast.

"The best thing people can do is contact an attorney who is familiar with oil and gas rights," he added.

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