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Paxton Energy, Inc. announced today that the company has been advised by the operator, Bayshore Exploration LLC, that sales of crude oil and natural gas have commenced effective May 25, 2007, from the Fiedler No. 1 discovery well for a new Olmos field at Storey Ranch, La Salle County, Texas. Currently, the Fiedler No. 1 is producing natural gas at rates of 50-100 thousand cubic feet of gas per day (mcf) through an 18/64 inch choke and 58 barrels of oil per day. Production characteristics from the Fiedler No. 1 well are expected to be consistent with existing production in the area from other Olmos fields.

The Fiedler No. 1 well was drilled by Bayshore Exploration on the 2,268 acre Storey Ranch area of mutual interest acreage near Paxton's Cooke Ranch properties in the first quarter of 2007 to a total depth of 8,170 feet. Production casing was set to 8,170 feet with Olmos production from 7,875 to 8,000 feet. Paxton has an 18.75% working interest in the Fiedler No. 1 discovery well and its pro-rata unit and a 75% leasehold and working interest in the remaining acreage. Paxton is preparing two new drilling locations to begin further development of the potential Olmos and Wilcox reserves, subject to obtaining required financing.

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